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How do you like your steak?
Learn how to cook yours to perfection. In this 3 hour, hands-on workshop, you will learn how to break down a ribeye roast into steaks (easily my favorite cut), how to properly season the steak for maximum flavor and how to keep the fire at the right temp for the doneness you prefer.
It’s a great gift for the griller in your life! Think of it as a mini-apprenticeship with an expert in the craft 🙂
You will learn:
Breaking down a ribeye roast
Picking the perfect steak
Fire management
$175 / person : Tickets at www.cohostspace.com/workshops
Brandon’s Accolades:
Brandon Wiederspohn is a multi-award winning steak cook. In fact, in 2018, he was ranked 22nd in the world (!) He has returned 4 times to the SCA (Steak Cookoff Association) world championships and has won numerous bbq awards.

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