Here Comes the Sun!
Hello Chamber Members, 

I don’t know about you but I am sure happy to see that sun shining down on Camano & Stanwood – and the sunsets are breathtaking.  Is it just me or do you feel the urge to say “doo-doo-doo-doo” after you read “Here Comes The Sun…”? Feel free to sing along…

It was so wonderful to see so many of you at our April Membership Meeting last week.  If you missed it you can watch the recording here.  Our May Membership Meeting will be on Thursday May 19th at The Camano Island Library from 11:30-1:00 (there is also a Zoom option.)  The topic is “Free Business Resources” – who doesn’t like FREE? RSVP here for the May Meeting deadline for lunch is Friday May 13th. 

I would like to thank all of you who responded so quickly with donations for our Shop Local Win Local Spring Selfie Challenge – this virtual event will take place starting TOMORROW (April 30th) and run through Monday May 9th.  Flyers and postcards are available – if you need some please let me know, here is a social media graphic to useThis event is open to ANY Stanwood or Camano Business – there is no requirement to participate – just SHARE the info!  Encourage people to snap a selfie shopping locally, tag @camanoislandchamber and your business – it’s that simple! And we have some great prizes to give away! More info. can be found here.

If you have any questions or need anything please let us know. We are here to support you!

Best Regards, 

Jessica McCready
Executive Director, Camano Island Chamber of Commerce

Header Photo Credit: Marla Williams

Join the Camano Island Chamber
Register for May 19th Chamber Meeting – Free Business Resources

 Easy the Owl 

“Easy” the Owl is now available for Camano Chamber Members to borrow as a Member Benefit! The all-in-one, 360-degree camera, mic, and speaker for collaborative hybrid teams makes having meetings virtually and in person a breeze!  Learn more about the OWL here 
If you are interested in borrowing the Owl please complete the request form below.
Reserve Easy the Owl for Your Meeting

Member News

Flora & Fauna Camano

Join Flora & Fauna Camano for their STOREFRONT GRAND OPENING on Saturday May 21st at 10AM.  Lots of cool things and awesome freebies happening in celebration of our storefront grand opening!
We’re having an “Adopt-a-plant” event while supplies last, where you can choose a free plant to take home! 
Each purchase from the shop that day will also enter you into a raffle to win a huge gift basket with tons of goodies that includes a $100 gift card to Flora & Fauna Camano. Every $10 spent is a ticket to the raffle!

The Drive Bar(@thedrivebarpnw) will be serving drink refreshments! Come see us Saturday, May 21st, 2022 at 10017 270th St NW Suite A Stanwood, WA 98292.


Camano Island Animal Shelter

The Camano Animal Shelter Association (CASA) is sponsoring a Spring Market on Saturday, May 7 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.  Along with a wide selection of CASA gear such as hats, Island Love and Logo shirts/hoodies (adult/youth sizes) and tank tops; new CASA vests and totes will be available. Spread the word about the Camano Animal Shelter Association by wearing CASA clothing. Pet-themed items for pets and pet lovers will also be featured at the Spring Market.  Stop by to purchase delicious cookies, brownies and bars. There will also be beverages, water and free coffee. Check out the door prizes, too! 

The CASA Spring Market will be held in tents outside the Island County Multi-Purpose Center at 141 East Camano Drive (the sage building just south of the shelter, on the west side of the road).  All proceeds benefit the abandoned and surrendered dogs, cats and other small household pets in CASA’s care.  Cash or checks only. 


Friends of Camano Island Parks

Join the Friends of Camano Island Parks (FOCIP) for an Adopt-A-Road Litter pick up on June 11, 2022. We will meet at the vacant lot behind the Elger Bay Grocery store between 9:00-9:30 am. Safety vests, litter bags, and litter grabbers will be supplied. With a good turnout of volunteers, we should be through in less than two hours. Island County now requires each volunteer to fill out a release form at each litter pick-up, so be prepared to fill out a form.

Wear sturdy shoes and bring gloves. Rain or shine!

On Saturday May 7th FOCIP is also offering a Guided Walk of Iverson Spit Preserve, Kristoferson Creek Habitat and English Boom Historical Park.  


Camano Chamber Meetings & Events

PDF (printable) of May-November Meetings

Our Chamber Member meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 11:30-1:00.  Our May Meeting will be IN PERSON (at the Camano Island Library) or you can attend via Zoom.  See registration info. below.  Starting in June we will transition to summer mixers held in the early evening.  

Each photo below is linked to more info. or a registration link – so just click on the photo to pre-register or get info! Chili Chowder link for more info can be found here.

Register for May 19 Meeting

contact the chamber
visit our website

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Our mailing address is:
370 NE Camano Dr. Ste 5 PMB 344 Camano Island, WA 98282

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