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We are excited to announce the 2023 Business People of the Year at our Luncheon on October 19th.

Purchase Tickets for the 2023 Business People of the Year Luncheon held on Oct. 19th at the Camano Center from 11:30-1:00.  Lunch tickets are $25 each or you can sponsor a table of 8 for $250.  Sponsorship of the Table allows you to invite guests and your logo will be placed on each table. A link to payment page will be on the confirmation page after submitting this form – please note a 3% online fee transaction will be added to the total.  An invoice can also be emailed to you. If you prefer to mail a check please send it to 370 NE Camano Drive Suite 5 PMB 344 Camano Island, WA 98282.  Payments must be received by Oct. 12th to reserve a spot.

Menu is provided by the Camano Center: Mediterranean lunch consisting of avgolemono (Greek lemon soup), focaccia bread, Greek salad, and grilled chicken, and dessert.

If you have any questions please contact the Camano Island Chamber ([email protected])
Thank you!
Thank You to our Title Sponsor: The Skin & Hair Care Lounge
Thank You to our Venue Host: The Camano Center
Thank You to our Gift Sponsor: Sauve and Sons Tree Work
Thank You to our Printing Sponsor: Seaside Services

RSVP Form for Luncheon can be found here! 


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