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Share your Best Island Photos

Celebrate the beauty of Whidbey and Camano Islands with your best outdoor photographs. Twelve full-size, month photos and 12 smaller photos will be selected for the 2025 Whidbey Camano Land Trust Calendar. Winning photographers will receive special recognition and complimentary calendar(s). Calendar sales benefit the local conservation mission of the Land Trust.

Beat the competition! Take great photographs of landscapes, wildlife, plants, people out in nature and more. Photos are not required to be taken at a Land Trust property but if you’re interested,  find the properties we’ve protected on our interactive map. Please only enter properties with public access symbols or take photos from the road or public area.

PLEASE NOTE: Only photographs meeting all Contest Guidelines will be considered.

Contest Guidelines:

  1. The deadline for photo submissions is Friday, May 31, 2024.
  2. Photos MUST BE accompanied by a signed and dated Photograph License for all submitted photos. Photos will not be entered into the contest without this release.
  3. Each photographer can submit up to five photographs that are:
  • Horizontal and taken outdoors on Whidbey or Camano islands;
  • High resolution in JPG or RAW format (minimum of 300 dpi):
  • A minimum of 12 inches wide by 9.5 inches high;
  • Each photo must have a document title that includes: photographers first initial and last name; what the subject is; where photo was taken, and date taken; and
  • Only basic manipulation (if any) by the photographer is accepted.

To Submit Photos:

  1. Email photos with this signed Photograph License to: [email protected].
  2. Include the following information in your email: First and last name, mailing address, phone number, and email address.

Help us make the 2025 Land Trust Calendar another winner!

Any Questions? Please email: [email protected].

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