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Celebrating 1059 Certified Habitats 
and 22 years of 
Creating an Island in Harmony with Nature — One Yard at a Time
— Legacy Ukulele Ensemble Concert at 7:30 pm — Donation – at the door
— Peter Luongo Ukulele Workshop at 6 pm — $20 – at the door
The Legacy Ukulele Ensemble is a group of 12 players from America and Canada directed by internationally renowned ukulele teacher Peter Luongo. Since September of 2016, the group has been featured at several ukulele festivals and shows and also has held multiple tours. The members are committed to developing their music literacy, musicianship, and vocal skills. The group’s repertoire of 35 arrangements includes Hawaiian, classical, ethnic, folk, rock, pop, and country pieces. 
Since the Legacy Ukulele Ensemble’s Pacific Northwest Tour coincides with the Camano Wildlife Project’s third Wednesday of the month program,  here is the perfect opportunity to combine two passions — protecting wildlife habitat and playing ukulele. Check the ensemble out at https://www.legacyukes.com for a preview.
Peter Luongo, director of the ensemble and international teacher, will offer an ukulele workshop geared to all levels at 6 pm prior to the Legacy concert. 
This in-person event is Wednesday, June 19,  at the Island County Multi-Purpose Center, 141 East Camano Drive, Camano Island. For information about the program or the Camano Wildlife Habitat Project, visit www.camanowildlifehabitat.org, call 360-387-2236, or email camanowildlifehabitat@gmail.com.  The Camano Wildlife Habitat Project, sponsored by Friends of Camano Island Parks, hosts public presentations the third Wednesday of the month. 

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