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February 21

, 7 pm  —  ZOOM Presentation

All About Woodpeckers

Do you have woodpeckers living in your neighborhood? 

Wednesday, February 21, at 7 pm via ZOOM, join Shona Aitken, Education Coordinator at Wolf Hollow Wildlife Rehab Center, to learn more about the different types of woodpeckers that live in our area. Find out what they look and sound like, what signs they leave behind and why they are such an important part of forest ecosystems.

For information about the Zoom link to the program or about the Camano Wildlife Habitat Project, visit www.camanowildlifehabitat.orgcall 360-387-2236, or email camanowildlifehabitat@gmail.com. A  Zoom link will be emailed after registration. The Camano Wildlife Habitat Project, sponsored by Friends of Camano Island Parks, hosts public presentations the third Wednesday of the month. 

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