Our first in person Chamber Member Meeting in SO LONG! We had a wonderful time seeing everyone – and for those of you who joined us by Zoom we hope the OWL worked well for you. 

Thank you to our presenters – Sherrye Wyatt with Whidbey Camano Island Tourism and Sarah Cho with Discover Stanwood Camano

Recording of April 21st Camano Chamber Member Meeting

Click on the image below or HERE for Whidbey Camano Island Tourism Presentation

Email Sherrye Wyatt

Click on the image below or HERE for DSC Presentation

Email Sarah Cho

Our May Chamber Member Meeting will be on Thursday May 19, 2022 **IN PERSON** with a Zoom Option from 11:30-1:00.  Lunch will be served by the Sub Joint (menu coming soon)- please RSVP in the form below and you will receive a link to pre-pay for your lunch.

May Membership Meeting: You are a busy business owner – and your time is precious. Learn how to leverage resources offered to your business for free. Really. FREE. In this interactive session we will unveil the most popular resources available to you from Sno-Isle Libraries as well as the Economic Development Council of Island County.

This meeting will be held in person at the Camano Island Library. If you prefer to attend on Zoom we can do that as well. Lunch will be available from The Sub Joint (menu coming soon) for $15.

RSVP for May 19th Meeting

As we announced at the meeting we will be launching a SPRING VERSION of Shop Local Win Local with a SELFIE Challenge.  We will be challenging the community to flood social media with selfies of supporting local businesses between April 30th-May 9th.  

We will choose some lucky winners to receive a gift basket of local goodies. 

But WE NEED YOUR HELP! We would love donations to fill up the gift baskets – please let us know ASAP if you are willing to donate something for the prizes.  There is no limit for what you donate – we just request that it is purchased LOCALLY.  Thank you!


Copyright © *2022 Camano Island Chamber of Commerce, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
370 NE Camano Dr. Ste 5 PMB 344
Camano Island, WA 98282

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