Camano Island, Washington, United States 98282
Sound Water Stewards publishes Getting to the Water's Edge, a guidebook to 69 publicly accessible beaches in Island County. It is for sale for $20 at these Camano locations: Camano Commons Marketplace, Ace Hardware, Elger Bay Grocery, Kristoferson Farm gift shop and Cama Beach State Park Welcome Center or through Sound Water Stewards website.
SWS puts on Sound Waters University, a one-day journey of discovery about the natural world and Salish Sea annually on the first Saturday in February.
- Through education, Stewards help people understand interrelated ecosystems and become inspired to be active stewards of the environment because people take care of what they know and love.
- Through community science, Stewards augment professional workforces by monitoring and collecting data for scientific decision-making. Public participation in science by trained volunteers results in more data than professional staff alone could generate which can accelerate research while keeping keeps costs down.
- Through stewardship, SWS participates in beach cleanups and habitat restoration.
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